Home: Originally the Depths of Hell Age: 1000 Profession: Warrior Mage (Demon King) Personality: The loner. He was formerly a heartless and cruel warrior who upon looking into the eyes of an innocent child gained a soul. Powers: Bears the powers of a demon and a vampire both a fearsome opponent who over his years of entombment has grown quite weak but is still a force to be reckoned with. Background: 1000 years ago the Demon God wanted a soldier who could surpass the powers of his Demon Lords. Thus he had a powerful Demon mate with a beautiful and powerful elder vampiress. when Midnight was born it is said the skies went pitch black Demons rejoiced, and Angels wept. Kami-sama seeing the most unholy of creatures enter the world sent a warrior Angel by the name of Dawn to report on Midnight's actions. Midnight grew to be very beautiful, powerful, and evil. He became the terror that every one cowered before. It was nothing for him to totally demolish towns. Human life was nothing more than fodder for him. Then one night Midnight came to the town of Korvikes and massacred it's population....all except for one child. He killed her mother right before her then turned to finish the child. He saw her on her knees crying..not from fear but from the death of her family and friends..her large blues eyes looking up at him. He felt something inside him..hurting him. He looked at his hands and saw the girl's mother's blood on his hands and for the first time in 600 years he wept. Midnight saw the family sword above the fire place the name of the family inscribed on the blade. "Rinhart". He looked again at the crying child and left. He grew tired and ashamed of his life as he saw it. An evil plague preying on mankind. Wicked beyond measure. As he came to this conclusion a figure in dark robes carrying a scythe appeared before him. The figure introduced himself as Death and over a century the two became friends. Midnight continued to think on how evil he was and his sense of remorse grew as night after night he thought of the Rinhart girl. Then finally he was unable to stand it any more as one night he came across the family tomb of the Rinhart name. Over all the centuries Dawn watched this wicked man and silently witnessed what Midnight was about to do. Midnight wept once again and then told his friend Death of his plan. To make amends for his sins he would die encasing himself in a crypt in the northern mountains. The only way he could return to the realm of the living was for a Rinhart with the family sword to awaken him. Then he departed to the crypt to wait until a Rinhart came whom he could aid in order to redeem his soul.
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