The World of Korukai

  Ok so what is Korukai? Korukai is a world of fantasy, fighting, magic, and high adventure. What will be on this page is mostly the social-political structure. You know type of jobs, abilities, economy, mythology,and other misc stuff.


Korukai in General

  Korukai is made of several Empires, Kingdoms, Principalities, and Free Cities. The manga will sprawl across these places. Technology will also range. While most of Korukai is set in a Middle Ages type setting there will be some instances of Renaissance and even the remainants of a High Tech society. Money. The monetary system varies to the names of the coinage but all realms use a specie standard (gold, silver, and gems)


Jobs that can't be done by the everyday Joe.

  Next on the discussion table will be jobs or classes if you will of Korukai. You won't find your ordinary everyday people doing this kind of work that's why I felt they deserved mention.

Kinto Monks: a Kinto Monk is a warrior who specializes in hand to hand but is taught to be proficient in ALL weapons. It is rumored that the most powerful of the Kinto can harness their own Ki (Chi) for attack or healing. They wander throughout all of Korukai aiding those who need it.


Mages: the mages are divided into 5 groups. The first 4 represent the elements of earth, wind, fire, and water each with it's own healing or attack magics. The 5th group are the rare individuals who can master all four forms of elemental magic. They are referred to as Elemental Mages. Elemental Mages also have the ability to morph and merge with a totem gem if they posses one.

Morphers: the Morphers are more a race of shape changers than an actual class. The morpher can change into an animal, hybrid, or man shape. However in all three forms the morpher has an animal characteristic (ie; though he covers it Katsuya [See Tales of the Warrior Episodes 1 & 3 and Tales of the Mage Episode 4] he has on his torso and upper arms as well as mini dragon wings which grow as he changes forms). A morpher over time can even learn to vary his size and abilities.

  For suggestions on more email them to us.


Mythology of Korukai

  There are 2 primary supernatural Entities of Korukai. Kami-sama (God) and The Demon God (Devil). Each has tier own followers of Angels and Demons and Monsters (dryads being good monsters and trolls being bad monsters). The history between the two principle Entities has been long of course and will be documented in these pages as the manga progresses as a special bonus.


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